AIS IDP: Student Affairs Officer

Job Opportunity: Student Affairs Officer UCLA American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program The Student Affairs Officer and Assistant to the Chair will direct and administer student affairs services for the Interdepartmental Program of American Indian Studies and support the Chair and faculty in all areas of operations. Develop, implement and modify policies and procedures for the … Read more

Acknowledging Native Peoples at UCLA Events

Office of the Chancellor To: Deans, Directors, Department Chairs and Administrative Officers Dear Colleagues: As indicated in the announcement regarding the appointment of Mishuana Goeman as Special Advisor to the Chancellor on Native American and Indigenous Affairs, it is important that UCLA prioritize respect for both the historic culture and the contemporary presence of American … Read more

Indian Country Today: Tarantino’s ‘dead Indians’ and the roots of American violence

By Nancy Marie Mithlo August 9, 2019 As other viewers of Quentin Tarantino’s ninth film ‘Once Upon a Time…In Hollywood’ laughed at Leonardo DiCaprio’s ‘the only good Indian is a dead Indian’ refrain, Nancy Marie Mithlo, Chiricahua Apache, cringed My day job is as an American Indian Studies professor at a major university. Actually, like … Read more

Native Bruins: Past, Present & Emerging – Pamela J. Peters

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the UCLA American Indian Studies Center Pamela J. Peters, a Navajo (Diné) Reservation native, is a multimedia Indigenous documentarian and a 2011 graduate with a BA in American Indian Studies (AIS) and Film & Television Studies. Her photography work is identified by her Diné first clan, Táchii’nii (Red Running Into … Read more

Statement in Support of the Kia`i of Mauna Kea from the UCLA American Indian Studies Center

Chokma/ Aloha Kākou, The UCLA American Indian Studies Center is a community of students, faculty, and stakeholders advocating for Indigenous and American Indian people throughout the U.S. and beyond. We acknowledge that the proposed construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) on Mauna Kea on the Island of Hawai’i violates what is considered the piko, … Read more

[The Sacramento Bee] Gavin Newsom apologizes on California’s behalf to native tribes for slaughter of ancestors

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the UCLA American Indian Studies Center Gov. Gavin Newsom formally apologized to California Native Americans through an executive order Tuesday for the state’s “dark history” of violence against indigenous people. “It’s called a genocide,” Newsom said at a ceremony announcing the state’s apology. “No other way to describe it… I’m … Read more

Native Bruins: Past, Present & Emerging – Mercedes Dorame

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the UCLA American Indian Studies Center The Tongva artist Mercedes Dorame is a 2003 UCLA graduate who earned a BA in American Literature and Culture and went on to receive an MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute. She calls on her Tongva ancestry to engage the problematics of visibility … Read more

Associate Professor Stella E. Nair’s Interview on Chinchero

Stella E. Nair, Associate Professor at the UCLA Department of Art History, gave an interview with Peru’s largest newspaper, El Comercio, on Chinchero. The interview was conducted in Spanish. Stella E. Nair sobre Chinchero: “Nadie construiría un aeropuerto frente al Palacio de Versalles” La especialista en arquitectura prehispánica alerta sobre este atentado al paisaje y … Read more

[Daily Bruin] UCLA’s ethnic studies centers look back on accomplishments, discuss goals for future

By Shelby Dunagan Posted: May 20, 2019 12:04 am The UCLA Institute of American Cultures and its four ethnic studies research centers celebrated their 50th anniversary and talked at a panel about what they have accomplished since their creation in the field of ethnic studies. The directors of the UCLA American Indian Studies Center, UCLA … Read more