[NPR] How teens brought a skate park to their Native American reservation

The village of Tewa, Ariz., recently ramped up its skating scene. Kids living on the Hopi reservation get to drop in on a new halfpipe in the town’s first ever skate park thanks to a team of five teens known as Skate264. “There wasn’t really any place to skate down here. Most of the surrounding … Read more

[BBC News] First Native American woman to travel to space

Next month Nasa will send a new crew into space. And for the first time there will be a Native American woman aboard. Astronaut Nicole Aunapu Mann, of the Wailacki of the Round Valley Indian Tribes, will be mission commander – responsible for all phases of flight. She will go to the International Space Station … Read more

[Anchorage Daily News] Astronaut Nicole Aunapu Mann will make history as the first Native woman to fly into space

Nicole Aunapu Mann will be making history as the first Native woman to fly into space this fall. Mann, enrolled in Wailacki of the Round Valley Indian Tribes in northern California, will be aboard the SpaceX Crew-5 mission to go to the International Space Station no earlier than Sept. 29. “It’s very exciting,” she told … Read more

Native Bruin- Past, Present, & Emerging – Judith Kwanami Mitchell

This August we are highlighting Native Bruin Judith Kwanami Mitchell (Quechan), class of 2022. Judith Kwanami Mitchell is Quechan from the Fort Yuma Reservation in Winterhaven, California. She recently graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics with a specialization in computing. During her time at UCLA, Judy worked for the American Indian … Read more

[Voa News] Examining the Debate Over Native American Land Acknowledgments

WASHINGTON —  A civil rights lawsuit filed by a University of Washington computer science professor has called attention to a largely academic debate over land acknowledgments — formal statements that recognize Indigenous custodianship of geographic areas on which institutions stand or events take place. Evolving out of the work of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, … Read more

[The Guardian] SUV driven through Native American parade injuring several in New Mexico – video

Footage shows an SUV being driven through a Native American celebration in Gallup, New Mexico. Multiple people were injured including two police officers. People can be seen enjoying the celebration from the pavement as the cream-coloured vehicle crashes through, causing panic. State police arrested several people and have said no one was killed in the … Read more

[The Atlantic] Rez Life: Sterlin Harjo’s genre-mixing, cliché-exploding series captures coming of age as a Native kid like no TV show before it

First, a story. So this one time some rez kids messed up my car. It was my first “real” car. I’d had a ’67 Catalina that started about half the time, and went off the road the other half because the tires were worn down to nubs. And then I’d had a ’79 Thunderbird that … Read more

[The New York Times] How Indigenous Athletes Are Reclaiming Lacrosse

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Brendan Bomberry’s voice was growing louder, his words spilling out faster and faster as he unleashed a profanity-laced pep talk on his teammates. The Haudenosaunee Nationals men’s lacrosse team, a squad that represents the six nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy — the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca and Tuscarora — was preparing to play … Read more

[Native News Online] Portland State University Offers In-State Tuition for all Enrolled Members of Federally Recognized Tribes

Native students from anywhere in the United States can now attend Portland State University (PSU) for the same price as in-state students. Previously, out-of-state Native students did not qualify for the in-state tuition prices. Now, out-of-state Natives who are enrolled in a federally recognized tribe can get their tuition rates decreased. All the student needs … Read more

Native Bruin- Past, Present, & Emerging – Jack M. Tome, Jr.

This July we are highlighting Native Bruin Jack M. Tome, Jr. (Diné), class of 2021. Yá’át’ééh shí éí Jack M. Tome, Jr. yíníshyé’. Táchii’nii nishłį́, Hooghan łáni báshíshchíín, Tó’aheedlíinii dashicheii, Táchii’nii dashinálí. Jack M. Tome, Jr is Diné who was born and raised in Shiprock, New Mexico, where he currently resides. In 2019, Jack received … Read more