AISC Supports Free Speech and Non-Violent Protest

Chokma AISC inkana, I write to express our collective concern regarding the events of recent days on the UCLA campus. The AISC came about, in large part, because of student activism and protest. We stand committed to free speech and the right for our students to exercise non-violent political protest, safely and without fear of … Read more

LA Times: UCLA doubles down on ethnic studies expansion amid fraught national politics

By Teresa Watanabe | Staff Writer  Feb. 5, 2024 6 AM PT More than five decades ago, Morgan Chu was taught a version of American history that all but ignored the experiences of Asian Americans like him. Chu, an attorney who grew up in New York and moved to Los Angeles to attend UCLA, never … Read more

UCLA Newsroom: Alumni Helen and Morgan Chu pledge $10 million to benefit UCLA Institute of American Cultures

Ben Stephens | February 5, 2024 Key takeaways Longtime donors to UCLA, the Chus participated in student-led protests in the 1960s that brought about the creation of UCLA’s ethnic studies centers. Their latest gift is intended to create four endowed chairs and provide wider support for the work of the UCLA Institute of American Cultures. … Read more

Native Bruin: Past, Present, & Future – Lorenzo Baca

Bruin Highlight: Past, Present & Future This February 2024 we are highlighting Native Bruin Lorenzo Baca, class of 1986. Lorenzo Baca describes himself as a “story-making visual, literary and performing CIMOC (creative Indigenous man of color) artist, of an endangered species along with Puebloan and Spanish origins,” which is his primary cultural identity. Although raised … Read more

Tenure‐Track Assistant Professor in the Conservation of Native American/ Pacific Islander Cultural Heritage

Apply Now: Job #JPF08917 UCLA GETTY CONSERVATION PROGRAM, AMERICAN-INDIAN STUDIES, ANTHROPOLOGY, ASIAN-AMERICAN DEPARTMENT, DEPARTMENT OF CHICANA/O STUDIES, DEPARTMENT OF GENDER STUDIES, GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, SOCIOLOGY / L&S Social Sciences / UCLA Position overview Position title: Assistant Professor Salary range: The posted UC salary scales set the minimum pay determined by rank and/or step at appointment. … Read more

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in Native American Experiences in Engineering

Apply at Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in Native American Experiences in Engineering University of California Los Angeles The UCLA Samueli School of Engineering invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position with Specialization in Native American Experiences in Engineering, slated to commence on July 1, 2024. We strongly encourage applications from outstanding candidates across … Read more

Congratulations to the UCLA Native Bruins Class of 2023!

Congratulations to the UCLA Native Bruins Class of 2023! The Students from AISA did an amazing job putting the graduation together along with inviting the 1st Native American California State Representative, Assemblymember James C. Ramos from the San Manuel Indian tribe to lead the graduates with an amazing commencement speech followed by an honor song. … Read more

Native Bruin- Past, Present, & Emerging – Aiko Little

This MARCH 2023 we are highlighting Native Bruin Aiko Little (Oglala Lakota) class of 2020. Aiko Little is a Native American (Oglala Lakota) & Filipina writer, actor, and Vice Chair of the WGA’s Native American Indigenous Writer’s Committee. Aiko was recently staffed on GET IT for Amazon – an upcoming Native American series set in … Read more

Native Bruin- Past, Present, & Emerging – Eric Morrison

This FEBRUARY 2023 we are highlighting Native Bruin Eric Morrison from the Tlingit tribe, the first group of native students to attend UCLA in 1968. Eric (Tlingit name Koon’esh) Morrison has served as executive director of the Salamatof Tribe in Alaska since 2017. He has also served on the National Tribal Water Council for 20 … Read more