The Challenge of Fostering Responsible Relations: The Case of Osage Winds

Jean Dennison (University of Washington) Too often, the stories told about Indigenous peoples flatten the complexity of Native nation experiences, especially around environmental sovereignty and relationality. This chapter explores the deep politics behind the building and dismantling of an industrial wind farm on the Osage reservation as powerful window into the complexity of these issues. … Read more

Native Bruin- Past, Present, & Emerging – Aiko Little

This MARCH 2023 we are highlighting Native Bruin Aiko Little (Oglala Lakota) class of 2020. Aiko Little is a Native American (Oglala Lakota) & Filipina writer, actor, and Vice Chair of the WGA’s Native American Indigenous Writer’s Committee. Aiko was recently staffed on GET IT for Amazon – an upcoming Native American series set in … Read more

Special Event: Apache Stronghold and the Historic Preservation and Archaeology Department of the San Carlos Apache Tribe

Special Event: Apache Stronghold and the Historic Preservation and Archaeology Department of the San Carlos Apache tribe join us for a special event to share their struggle to protect the sacred site of Chi’chil Biłdagoteel (Oak Flat) from the mining giant Rio Tinto/Resolution Copper. Emblematic of the struggle of Indigenous Peoples across the Americas, Apache … Read more

Native Bruin- Past, Present, & Emerging – Eric Morrison

This FEBRUARY 2023 we are highlighting Native Bruin Eric Morrison from the Tlingit tribe, the first group of native students to attend UCLA in 1968. Eric (Tlingit name Koon’esh) Morrison has served as executive director of the Salamatof Tribe in Alaska since 2017. He has also served on the National Tribal Water Council for 20 … Read more

[Bay Nature] How Indigenous People Got Some Land Back in Oakland

On the surface, Sequoia Point seems like another lovely spot in a Bay Area park, with gnarled oaks, towering old-growth redwoods and a glorious view of the Bay. But this scenic overlook in Oakland’s Joaquin Miller Park has now acquired new significance, and a new Chochenyo name—Rinihmu Pulte’irekne, meaning “Above the Red Ochre”—because the city … Read more

[Indian Country Today] Citizen Potawatomi Nation launches college language courses

Citizen Potawatomi Nation In recent years, more Native American tribes across the country are building programs to preserve, maintain and revitalize their traditional languages, including Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN). It recently received a federal grant of $82,609 to launch college-level language courses. The grant was awarded under the Administration for Native Americans’ Emergency Native Language … Read more

Native Bruin- Past, Present, & Emerging – Ty Coughenour

This December we are highlighting Native Bruin Ty Coughenour (Lummi) class of 2011. Ty Coughenour is an award-winning writer, producer, and director who resides in Seattle, Washington, and is a member of the Lummi tribe. He graduated from UCLA in 2011 Cum Laude as a Gates Millennium Scholar. While at UCLA, he worked at the … Read more