33rd Annual Thinking Gender Student Research Conference

Thinking Gender is an annual public conference highlighting student research on women, sexuality, and gender across all disciplines and historical periods. CSW has been hosting Thinking Gender since 1991. More details to come. Co-sponsored by UCLA American Indian Studies Center.  

[Times Union] ‘Genius’: Bard professor Sky Hopinka wins MacArthur award

RED HOOK — The MacArthur Foundation described his work as a filmmaker, video artist and photographer as traversing Indigenous histories and contemporary experiences in a way that “not only represents the lives of Indigenous peoples, but incorporates their worldviews into the strategies of representation itself.” Sky Hopinka, an assistant professor at Bard College in Dutchess … Read more

The Forgotten Canopy: Ecology, Ephemeral Architecture, and Imperialism in the Caribbean, South American, and Transatlantic Worlds Conference 3: Imperialism

Conference 3: Imperialism April 14–15, 2023 Critical consideration of the interrelationships between ecologies and ephemeral architectures sets the stage for the theme of the third conference “Imperialism” (April 14-15, 2023) which will address the imperial transformations of the Caribbean and South America and their impact on and entanglement with the larger early modern Atlantic world. … Read more

The Forgotten Canopy: Ecology, Ephemeral Architecture, and Imperialism in the Caribbean, South American, and Transatlantic Worlds Conference 2: Ephemeral Architecture

Stella Nair, associate professor of art history and core faculty member of the Cotsen Institute, is co-organizer of “The Forgotten Canopy: Ecology, Ephemeral Architecture, and Imperialism in the Circum-Caribbean and Trans-Atlantic World,” together with Paul Niell of Florida State University. This project comprises three conferences at the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, which is affiliated with UCLA, … Read more

La resistencia de los pueblos indígenas en contextos urbanos: El caso de Colombia

This event is in Spanish. Wednesday, November 16, 2022 4 PM PST Bunche Hall 10383 In-person and Zoom: RSVP para atender en persona:https://forms.gle/q4uXpauiz1KHcoJ99 Zoom: https://bit.ly/3Rc6V6K En septiembre de 2021, representantes de quince pueblos indígenas se instalaron en el Parque Nacional de Bogotá, uno de los espacios públicos más emblemáticos de Colombia. Las comunidades exigían un … Read more

UCLA “DISTANT: Centering Indigenous Feminisms in Film”

RSVP: https://distant_uclaaiscfilmfest.eventbrite.com A UCLA American Indian Studies Center Native film festival featuring Keli Mashburn and Elise Paschen Contact: Nancy Marie Mithlo (Fort Sill Chiricahua Apache) Ph.D., Professor, Department of Gender Studies, Department of American Indian Studies, and affiliated faculty, World Arts and Cultures/Dance Distant is a film collaboration between photographer and visual artist Keli Mashburn … Read more

IAC Fall Forum

The IAC Fall Forum will be held on Thursday, October 20 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (PST) with forums like “Unsettling Domesticity: Native Women and the SF Bay Area Outing program” and “Peeling Apart Impressions: Investigating the Factors that Influence HBCU and PWI Perception.” Register here:  https://uclaea.zoom.us/webinar/register/8016632589240/WN_5UfejM-lQqKob0DQCAvJmw

[PBS] Analysis: How well-meaning land acknowledgements can erase Indigenous people and sanitize history

Many events these days begin with land acknowledgments: earnest statements acknowledging that activities are taking place, or institutions, businesses and even homes are built, on land previously owned by Indigenous peoples. And many organizations now call on employees to incorporate such statements not only at events but in email signatures, videos, syllabuses and so on. Organizations … Read more

[OPB] University of Oregon and Eastern Oregon University announce programs supporting Native American students

By the end of Indigenous Peoples’ Day all of Oregon’s public universities had programs moving forward aimed at giving financial support to Native American students. Both the University of Oregon and Eastern Oregon University announced programs Monday, following Oregon’s five other public universities that made similar strides in the past few months. University of Oregon’s Home … Read more