IAC Fall Forum

The IAC Fall Forum will be held on Thursday, October 20 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (PST) with forums like “Unsettling Domesticity: Native Women and the SF Bay Area Outing program” and “Peeling Apart Impressions: Investigating the Factors that Influence HBCU and PWI Perception.” Register here:  https://uclaea.zoom.us/webinar/register/8016632589240/WN_5UfejM-lQqKob0DQCAvJmw

[PBS] Analysis: How well-meaning land acknowledgements can erase Indigenous people and sanitize history

Many events these days begin with land acknowledgments: earnest statements acknowledging that activities are taking place, or institutions, businesses and even homes are built, on land previously owned by Indigenous peoples. And many organizations now call on employees to incorporate such statements not only at events but in email signatures, videos, syllabuses and so on. Organizations … Read more

[OPB] University of Oregon and Eastern Oregon University announce programs supporting Native American students

By the end of Indigenous Peoples’ Day all of Oregon’s public universities had programs moving forward aimed at giving financial support to Native American students. Both the University of Oregon and Eastern Oregon University announced programs Monday, following Oregon’s five other public universities that made similar strides in the past few months. University of Oregon’s Home … Read more

Native Bruin- Past, Present, & Emerging – Cheyenne Suzukawa

This October we are highlighting Native Bruin Cheyenne Suzukawa (Oglala Lakota), class of 2021 Cheyenne Suzukawa is a UCLA graduate who earned a BA in American Indian Studies in 2021. Cheyenne, who is Oglala Lakota, is currently working as a Realty Assistant at the Pacific Regional Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Born and … Read more

UCLA American Indian Welcome Event

Welcome back to campus! The UCLA American Indian Studies Center will be hosting a welcome event for American Indian Students. “We’ll have food and you’ll meet the other students on campus as American Indian faculty and staff!” RSVP here: https://UCLA_AmericanIndianWelcome2022.eventbrite.com

[WSJ] Indigenous Community Reels After Stabbing Attacks in Canada

JAMES SMITH CREE NATION, Saskatchewan—On a recent day in this small community on the Canadian prairie, people gathered in the school gym listening to traditional indigenous drums and mournful music at back-to-back funerals. Outside, people huddled in groups, crying and smoking. It has been two weeks since this territory of 2,000 people became the scene … Read more

Working with Indigenous Communities for 3D Digitization and Replication of Cultural Heritage Items.

Working with Indigenous Communities for 3D Digitization and Replication of Cultural Heritage Items: R. Eric Hollinger, Ph.D., Tribal Liaison, Repatriation Program, Smithsonian Institution 3D digitization and replication of cultural objects is an emerging domain for museums and Indigenous communities working together to explore shared interests. The Smithsonian Institution, led by the National Museum of Natural … Read more