Chumash development plan roils Santa Ynez Valley

By Scott Gold December 15, 2013, 7:34 p.m. Chumash leaders say they want to build homes on a parcel near their reservation. Community activists fear they may instead build a casino or resort. SANTA YNEZ, Calif.  The Chumash Indians, first seen by explorers along the California coast in the fall of 1542, did not have … Read more Senate confirms nominee with Indian law experience to court

The Senate voted 56 to 38 on Tuesday to confirm Patricia Ann Millett for a seat on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. Republicans previously prevented the Senate from voting on Millett. But Democrats changed the rules to limit filibusters on certain judicial nominees. “I’m pleased that in a bipartisan vote, the Senate has confirmed … Read more

Interior, Oglala Sioux Tribe Announce First Cooperative Agreement to Facilitate Purchase of Fractionated Land under Cobell Settlement

Oglala Sioux Reservation is Among Most Fractionated in the United States; First Offers Expected to be Made before the End of the Year WASHINGTON, DC The Department of the Interior today announced that it has finalized the first cooperative agreement to facilitate the purchase of individual interests in highly fractionated trust lands to consolidate ownership for … Read more

Secretary Jewell to Visit Laguna Pueblo School, Discuss American Indian Education Initiatives

LAGUNA, NM  On Wednesday, December 11, as part of the Obama Administration’s commitment to strengthen education for Native youth, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Kevin Washburn will visit New Mexico to tour a Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) tribally controlled grant school located on the Pueblo of Laguna … Read more

First Public Hearing of the American Indian and Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence Task Force Held in Bismarck, N.D

The Attorney General’s Advisory Committee of the Task Force on American Indian/Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence held its first public hearing today in Bismarck, N.D., convening tribal researchers, advocates, and local community members to discuss domestic violence and child physical and sexual abuse in Indian Country. The task force is comprised of a federal … Read more

Diane Humetewa nominated to be a District Court Judge for the US District Court for the District of Arizona

NNABA APPLAUDS THE HISTORIC NOMINATION OF DIANE HUMETEWA TO BE A FEDERAL JUDGE IN ARIZONA Phoenix, AZ. — The National Native American Bar Association applauds the historic nomination of Diane Humetewa to be a district court judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona. If confirmed, Ms. Humetewa will be the first … Read more

Indian Country Today Media Network: 9 Notable Women Who Rule American Indian Law

By Tanya H. Lee October 23, 2013 Justice systems are never easy to come by, as the U.S. vertical hierarchy of courts, jury options and appeals processes attest. In American Indian law, with its need to integrate the principles of 567 nations (counting the U.S.), tribal law, state law, federal law, the inherent and reserved … Read more

Indian Country Today Media Network: Baby Veronica & Baby Deseray: Don’t Let Them Sell Our Babies!

By Dot Scott October 13, 2013 The recent cases of Baby Veronica and Baby Desaray make me fear for young adoptive children, especially those of color. The similarities of these two cases, including the same adoption agency attorney in both, demand a closer look into these children’s civil rights. As an African-American mother, it disturbs … Read more

Professor Keith Camacho announced as Senior Editor of Amerasia Journal

UCLA AASC: Professor Keith Camacho, Senior Editor of Amerasia Journal Dear Alums and Friends, The UCLA Asian American Studies Center is very pleased to announce that Professor Keith Camacho will become the senior editor of Amerasia Journal, effective 1 January 2014. Professor Camacho is an award-winning scholar, teacher and active member of the UCLA community. … Read more

NYTimes: Obama Points to ‘Legitimate Concerns’ Over Redskin’ Name

By KEN BELSON Published: October 5, 2013 The long-simmering debate over the Washington Redskins’ name took a new turn when President Obama said that he would consider changing it if he were the team’s owner. Obama’s comments are likely to stoke the dispute, which has forced the team, the N.F.L. and politicians on both sides … Read more