[Indian Country Today] Education reparation: UC tuition scholarships for Natives are just, overdue

Op-Ed on UCOP NAOP written by UCLA Professors Randall Akee, Paul Ong, Desi Small-Rodriguez and UC Berkeley Director of Native American Student Development Phenocia Bauerle. The University of California system is one of the largest and most prestigious post-secondary educational institutions in the country. Its beginnings 170 years ago were as fraught as they were … Read more

[UC Newsroom] UC announces Native American Opportunity Plan

The University of California will ensure that in-state systemwide Tuition and Student Service Fees for California students from federally recognized Native American tribes are fully covered by grants or scholarships under a plan shared this week by UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D. The UC Native American Opportunity Plan aims to make college more affordable and … Read more

Professor Mishuana Goeman awarded UC’s Multicampus Research Programs and Initiatives!

Congratulations to Professor Mishuana Goeman who was awarded a UC Multicampus Research Programs and Initiatives grant from the University of Califorinia, Office of the President! The research project, Centering Tribal Stories of Cultural Preservation in Difficult Times, was awarded for a 3-year grant along with Co-PIs from the UC Davis, UC Riverside, and UC San … Read more