- AISC is pleased to announce Joy Holland as the new AISC Librarian!
The UCLA American Indian Studies Center is pleased to announce that Joy Holland will be joining UCLA as the AISC Librarian. She will be starting on April 1st. We are excited to have Joy on board and part of the AISC family. Please welcome her! Joy Holland is the Executive Director of Kona Historical Society (KHS), … Read more
- Dr. Randall Akee and Dr. Wendy Teeter Named to be part of the UC President’s Native American Advisory Council
Two UCLA American Indian Studies faculty members were named to be part of the UC President’s Native American Advisory Council created by University of California President Janet Napolitano. The first meeting is set for February 1 to discuss Native American student and faculty recruitment along with an issue important to many tribes: the return of … Read more
- [Diverse] Community Is Key for Native American Scholars
By Lois Elfman November 15, 2018 Building a supportive network is crucial for Native American scholars, many of whom are the only scholars in their field at a college or university. While academia is replete with associations and conferences, for Native American scholars connections with other Native American scholars are fundamental to their success in … Read more
- Dr. Wendy Teeter Receives Honor One Award from the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums
The Honored One Award recognizes individuals whose contributions have significantly benefited the preservation and advancement of indigenous cultural heritage. Dr. Wendy G. Teeter exemplifies the embodiment of that spirit. As Curator of Archaeology for the Fowler Museum, and NAGPRA Coordinator at the University of California, Los Angeles, Dr. Teeter has advocated on behalf of tribes … Read more
- Dr. Wendy Teeter Receives 2018 International Guardians of Culture and Lifeways “Honored One” Award
Congratulations to Wendy Teeter on receiving the 2018 International Guardians of Culture and Lifeways “Honored One” Award. On behalf of the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM), Wendy Teeter has been awarded the 2018 International Guardians of Culture and Lifeways Honored One Award. The award recognizes individuals who have significantly benefited the preservation … Read more
- Congressional candidate Deb Haaland Visited UCLA
On Tuesday, September 25, 2018, several faculty, community members, and students met for lunch with Congressional candidate Deb Haaland from New Mexico hosted by Director Shannon Speed of the UCLA American Indian Studies Center. If elected, Deb Haaland would become the first Native American woman in Congress.Top row: Jaye Darby, Wendy Teeter, Angela Riley, Deb … Read more
- Professor Paul Kroskrity’s Project on Designing a Dictionary for Tewa Youth Awarded Research Grant
On September 10, 2018, a research partnership between UCLA Professor Paul Kroskrity and the Village of Tewa began a new phase. Funded by the Institute of American Cultures (IAC) through the UCLA American Indian Studies Center (AISC), the project “Designing a Dictionary for Tewa Youth” seeks to expand the dictionary documentation for the distinctive language … Read more
- [Houston Chronicle] Professor Randall Akee on “Family separation policy repeats our dystopian past” [Opinion]
By Randall Akee September 10, 2018 Just when we thought there couldn’t be any more reasons to oppose the administration’s “Zero Tolerance” policy toward immigrants seeking asylum across the U.S.-Mexico border, another horror surfaces: the death of an immigrant child who had been held in custody by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement at an … Read more
- UCLA Newsroom: Professor to lead national organization promoting scholarship about indigenous peoples
By Jessica Wolf | August 07, 2018 Shannon Speed, professor of anthropology and director of UCLA’s American Indian Studies Research Center, has been named president of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association. Speed takes on a three-year leadership role in the professional organization that promotes scholarship and research into indigenous peoples from around the … Read more
- UCLA Newsroom: Professor to lead national organization promoting scholarship about indigenous peoples
By Jessica Wolf | August 07, 2018 Shannon Speed, professor of anthropology and director of UCLA’s American Indian Studies Research Center, has been named president of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association. Speed takes on a three-year leadership role in the professional organization that promotes scholarship and research into indigenous peoples from around the … Read more