The Unheard Voices: American Indian Responses to the Columbian Quincentenary 1492-1992

1992 Conference Proceedings. Edited by Carole M. Gentry and Donald A. Grinde, Jr., 1994.
A group of American Indian and non-Indian scholars gathered at the University of California, Los Angeles in the fall of 1992 to examine and elucidate the Columbian experience from a variety of perspectives. What emerged from the conference was a group of essays that attempted to encapsulate the unheard voices and issues that serious scholars of American Indian people deemed important. Taken as a whole, the essays explore the myriad aspects of the Columbian encounter from a variety of disciplinary and attitudinal viewpoints.
221 pp.
$15 paper
10-digit ISBN: 0-935626-39-5
13-digit ISBN: 978-0-935626-39-1
Table of Contents (PDF)
Individual’s Price: $12.00
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