The Indian Child Welfare Act: Unto the Seventh Generation

1992 Conference Proceedings. Edited by Troy R. Johnson, 1993. The proceedings of the Indian Child Welfare Act Conference feature some of the strongest and most experienced voices advocating for the rights of Indian children. Also included are presentations on Public Law 280, fetal alcohol syndrome, tribal court practices, and cultural sensitivity, as well as an … Read more

The Indian Child Welfare Act: Unto the Seventh Generation

1992 Conference Proceedings. Edited by Troy R. Johnson, 1993. The proceedings of the Indian Child Welfare Act Conference feature some of the strongest and most experienced voices advocating for the rights of Indian children. Also included are presentations on Public Law 280, fetal alcohol syndrome, tribal court practices, and cultural sensitivity, as well as an … Read more

The Future of Indigenous Peoples: Strategies for Survival and Development (Hardcover)

Edited by Duane Champagne and Ismael Abu-Saad, 2003 This collection of articles is the outcome of an international gathering of scholars to discuss the future of indigenous peoples throughout the world. The contributors examine contemporary conditions of indigenous peoples, explore future possibilities for social, economic, and political survival and development, and offer strategies for shaping … Read more