New Directions in Federal Indian Policy: A Review of the American Indian Policy Review Commission

Edited by Anthony D. Brown, with articles by ten contributors, 1979.
This collection of essays examines the shortcomings and accomplishments of the American Indian Policy Review Commission, and provides a legal, political, and historical context for the AIPRC`s recommendations. Critics point out that the commission failed in two significant ways: (1) it did not produce substantial new data, and (2) the Indian commissioners involved did not represent a large segment of American Indians. More positive assessments include reviews of the treatment of social and health program task forces and an insider`s report of the commission.
150 pp.
$10 paper
10-digit ISBN: 0-935626-28-X
13-digit ISBN: 978-0-935626-28-5
Table of Contents (PDF)
Individual’s Price: $10.00
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