A Sacred Path: The Way of the Muscogee Creeks

By Jean Chaudhuri and Joyotpaul Chaudhuri, 2001.
A Sacred Path explains and documents Creek persistence as a people despite having been defrauded and dispossessed of their ancient homelands. The book connects the Muscogee sacred history with the land, the spirit world, the confederacy`s sociopolitical organization, and its ceremonial cycle in a carefully researched and well-written single volume. It is an exploration of Muscogee Creek values and views, including concepts of nature, genesis, gender relations, religion, and history. Written from a traditional full-blood Muscogee citizen`s perspective and compiled through the teachings of many traditional elders and leaders, the book is a valuable addition to the current body of literature on the tribe.
191 pp.
$15 paper
10-digit ISBN: 0-935626-54-9
13-digit ISBN: 978-0-935626-54-4
Table of Contents (PDF)
Individual’s Price: $15.00
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