American Indian Culture and Research Journal: Vol. 44, No. 2 (2020)

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COVID-19 and Indigenous Peoples: Impact of and Response to the Pandemic
- Introduction: Impact of and Response to the Pandemic by Randall Akee, Stephanie R. Carroll, and Chandra Ford, guest editors
- Urban American Indian Caregiving during COVID-19 by Felina M. Cordova-Marks, Terry A. Badger, and Robin B. Harris
- Risk and Resilience Factors in Urban American Indian and Alaska Native Youth during the Coronavirus Pandemic by Elizabeth J. D’Amico, Alina I. Palimaru, Daniel L. Dickerson, Lu Dong, Ryan A. Brown, Carrie L. Johnson, David J. Klein, and Wendy M. Troxel
- Stress and Coping among American Indian and Alaska Natives in the Age of COVID-19 by Tristesse Burton, Johanna E. Adlam, Megan Murphy-Belcaster, Melva Thompson-Robinson, Carolee Dodge Francis, Daryl Traylor, Eboni Anderson, Kristina Ricker-Boles, and Sutton King
- COVID-19, Intersectionality, and Health Equity for Indigenous Peoples with Lived Experience of Disability by Bernadette Jones, Paula Toko King, Gabrielle Baker, and Tristram Ingham
- First Nations’ Survivance and Sovereignty in Canada during a Time of COVID-19 by Robyn K. Rowe, Julia Rowat, and Jennifer D. Walker
- The Battle of Negro Fort: The Rise and Fall of a Fugitive Slave Community. By Matthew J. Clavin. Reviewed by Nakia Parker
- Bury My Heart at Chuck E. Cheese’s. By Tiffany Midge. Reviewed by Samantha Majhor
- The Commissioners of Indian Affairs: The United States Indian Service and the Making of Federal Indian Policy, 1824–2017. By David H. DeJong. Reviewed by Samuel R. Cook
- Incarcerated Stories: Indigenous Women Migrants and Violence in the Settler-Capitalist State. By Shannon Speed. Reviewed by Cinthya Martinez
- Monumental Mobility: The Memory Work of Massasoit. By Lisa Blee and Jean O’Brien. Reviewed by Josephine Faith Ong
- Oyate [documentary film]. By Dan Girmus. Reviewed by Clementine Bordeaux
- Picturing Indians: Native Americans in Film, 1941–1960. By Liza Black. Reviewed by Steve Pelletier
- Retelling Trickster in Naapi’s Language. By Nimachia Howe. Reviewed by Billy J. Stratton
- Settler City Limits: Indigenous Resurgence and Colonial Violence in the Urban Prairie West. Edited by Heather Dories, Robert Henry, David Hugill, Tyler McCreary, and Julie Tomiak. Reviewed by Sasha Maria Suarez
- Teaching Empire: Native Americans, Filipinos, and US Imperial Education, 1879–1918. By Elisabeth M. Eittreim. Reviewed by Cary C. Collins
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