2012 Leon Silverman Lecture Series
The 2012 Leon Silverman Lecture Series focuses on the Constitution and the Supreme Court’s earliest history on property rights. Reservations are required to gain entry and seating is limited. Reservations for the entire series will be given priority. Please call 202-543-0400 to make reservations. Reservations are on a first come first serve basis so please register early. Please click here for the full PDF of the invite which has been mailed to all active members.
The 2012 Leon Silverman Lecture series is sponsored by:
Fried Frank Shriver Harris and Jacobson LLP
Gregory P. Joseph Law Offices LLC
Bart M. Schwartz in memory of Robert Kasanof
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
November 14, 2012 | 6:00 PM
The History of Native American Lands and the Supreme Court
Professor Angela Riley
University of California Los Angeles School of Law