Policy Briefs & Reports

Los Angeles Urban Indian Roundtable

The American Indian Studies Center, in conjunction with The California Wellness Foundation, The American Indian Community Council (AICC), and the Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission (LACCNAIC), has developed a series of policy briefs that analyze and report on available 2010 US Census data. Previously, the AICC and LACCNAIC worked with the Ralph and Goldy Lewis Policy Center at UCLA to publish similar policy briefs for the 2000 US Census. The new policy briefs build upon this past work and include a comparative study of Los Angeles American Indian/Alaska Native population trends.

The policy briefs will aid public and private organizations’ advocacy for funding American Indian/Alaska Native initiatives. The number of the first two 2012 policy brief corresponds to a technical memo, which gives a more detailed analysis of the census data; thus, Policy Brief 1 is derived from the discussion of the data in Technical Memo 1. All four of the memos address the Status of American Indians/Alaska Natives in Los Angeles, analyzing (1) population changes; (2) economic indicators post-Great Recession; (3) health insurance coverage; and (4) labor.

View Policy Briefs, Memos, and Reports:

Status of American Indians/Alaska Natives in Los Angeles

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