The American Indian Studies Center is a member of the Los Angeles Urban Indian Roundtable, a group of stakeholders committed to improving the quality of life for the American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) community in Los Angeles County. The representatives of this Roundtable support the need for research, analysis of existing policies, and advocacy to raise the quality of life for AI/ANs.
To that end, the Roundtable is releasing a set of policy briefs based on analyses of the latest census data. Click here for more information.
Stakeholder members include leadership from the American Indian Chamber of Commerce, American Indian Community Council, American Indian Healing Center, American Indian Studies Center at University of California Los Angeles, Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians, Los Angeles City County Native American Indian Commission, Pukúu Cultural Community Services, Red Circle Project, Southern California Indian Center, Title VII at Los Angeles Unified School District, Torres Martinez Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and United American Indian Involvement.