Home Events The Aqueduct Between Us

The Aqueduct Between Us

Monday, April 24, 2017
4:00 – 6:00 PM
Coral Tree Walk
(North side of the Murphy Sculpture Garden and in front of Macgowan Hall)

“The Aqueduct Between Us” is a social justice water symposium that aims to serve two communities by exposing the people of Los Angeles, residents and students alike, to the perspective of Owens Valley tribal communities concerning water and tribal sovereignty. An all-tribal panel from the Owens Valley (Bishop, Big Pine, Lone Pine tribes) will present their history, before and after the LADWP constructed aqueduct, and the resulting injustices. This symposium aims to build a robust coalition between these tribal communities and Angelenos; to help pressure the LADWP to recognize tribal sovereignty.


  • Alan Bacock, Water Coordinator for the Big Pine Paiute Tribe, Big Pine Tribal member
  • Kathy Bancroft, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Tribal member
  • Monty Bengochia, Bishop Tribal Council Chairman, Bishop Paiute Tribal Member
  • Ray Naylor Hunter, Administrative and Political Consultant, Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Tribal member
  • Harry Williams, Environmental activist, educational guest speaker for White Mountain Research Station, Bishop Paiute Tribal member

Moderator: Angela Mooney D’arcy, Sacred Places Institute for Indigenous Peoples, Acjachamen/Juaneno Tribal member

Come decolonize the Los Angeles Water Narrative! #standwithPaiute/Shoshone #standingrocksieverywhere

Sponsored by the UCLA American Indian Studies Center, American Indian Graduate Student Association, and Tribal Learning Community & Education Exchange

UCLA is a tobacco-free campus. All-day parking ($12) and short-term parking (payable at pay stations) are available in Lots 2, 3 and 4 (enter the campus at Hilgard and Westholme avenues). For more information, call 310-825-7315.


Apr 24 2017


4:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Murphy Sculpture Garden


American Indian Graduate Student Association