Home Events Special Rapportuer on the Rights of Indigenous People

Special Rapportuer on the Rights of Indigenous People

Reimagining Rights in the Americas Special Event

Monday, April 5, 2021
9 – 10:15 AM PT
Register at ucla.in/3lEn5aS

The UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Francisco Calí Tzay will speak on “Challenges Concerning the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Defense of the Territories of Indigenous and Afrodescendent Peoples,” in conversation with Honduran leader Bertha Zuñiga Cáceres, Coordinator of the Lenca organization COPINH, and Dr. Rony Castillo, Garífuna intellectual and activist working closely with the Garífuna organization OFRANEH / El Relator Especial de los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas hablará sobre “Desafíos en Materia de Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas y en Defensa de los Territorios de los Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes,” en conversación con la lídereza Hondureña Bertha Zuñiga Cáceres, Coordinadora de la organización Lenca COPINH, y Dr. Rony Castillo, intelectual y activista Garífuna trabajando de cerca con al organización Garífuna OFRANEH.

(In Spanish with simultaneous English interpretation / En español con interpretación simultánea en inglés).

Hosted by the Promise Institute for Human Rights. Co-sponsored by the UCLA American Indian Studies Center, Latin American Institute, COPINH, Mision de Observacion Calificada.


Apr 05 2021


9:00 AM - 10:15 AM




The Promise Institute for Human Rights

Other Organizers

American Indian Studies Center
UCLA Latin American Institute