Simposio sobre académicos Indígenas
Conversación sobre Experiencias y Metas en la Academia y la Comunidad
Dos Académicos Indígenas conversando sobre sus experiencias y metas en la enseñanza de Idiomas Indígenas a la Academia y Comunidad.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Lydeen Library
Rolfe Hall 4302
Profesora Luz Maria De La Torre: Luz María de la Torre ha sido nombrada Profesora del Departamento de Español y Portugués, y en el Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos en la Universidad de UCLA . La Profesora Luz Maria es una mujer Quechua de Ecuador que actualmente da clases de Kichua/Quechua y Español en la Universidad de UCLA.
Profesor Eduardo De La Cruz: Eduardo De La Cruz es el Subdirector del Instituto de Docencia e Investigacion de Zacatecas (INDIEZ). El Licenciado De La Cruz es originario de Veracruz, Mexico y hablante del idioma Náhuatl. Actualmente da clases de Náhuatl a través de un Salón Virtual en las Universidades UCLA, Stanford, y Utah.
Cost: Free & Open to the Public
Special Instructions
Parking Information: The closest parking lot is Structure #5. Visitors may purchase daily parking permits (Currently $12) by stopping at the Information & Parking kiosks (cash only) or by using a “Pay by Space” pay station. The closest information booth to Structure #5 is located on Hilgard and Westholme Ave. To use a Parking Pay Station: Simply drive to a self-service Pay Station location (there is one located in Structure #5). Please read the posted signs and screen prompts for Pay by Space. Pay Stations allow you to select the time you need to spend on campus and pay accordingly (all-day passes can also be purchased). UCLA maps and driving directions
For more information please contact
Carla Guerrero Tel: 310-825-4571
Sponsor(s): Department of Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA American Indian Studies Center, UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center
UCLA is a tobacco-free campus. All-day parking ($12) and short-term parking (payable at pay stations) are available in Lots 2, 3 and 4 (enter the campus at Hilgard and Westholme avenues).