Saging the World
Directed by: Rose Ramirez, Deborah Small and David Bryant
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
6 to 7:30 pm PST
- Heidi Lucero (Acjachemen and Mustun Ohlone)
- Samantha Morales Johnson (Gabrielino Tongva)
- Kimberly Morales Johnson (Gabrielino Tongva)
- Nick Rocha (Gabrielino Shoshone)
Sage smudging has become a viral trend. What’s the truth behind the smoke?
Followed By a Panel with Directors and Tribal Members from Southern California!
Runtime: 20 minutes and 43 seconds with a Panel sfter.
Website: cnps.org/sagingtheworld
Trailer: Saging the World Official Trailer
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/saging-the-world-tickets-334860575997
New Documentary Calls Out the Poaching and Cultural Appropriation of White Sage. The film is the focal point of a campaign to deter the global rush on white sage (Salvia apiana), driven by widespread cultural appropriation of smudging.
In Partnership with Indigenous advocates, the California Native Plant Society, and UCLA Special Advisor to the Chancellor on Native American and Indigenous Affairs.