Community Language Reclamation: Linguistic “Work” and the Future of Collaboration
Hosted by Dr. Erin Debenport
Thursday, April 13, 2023
3 pm to 5 pm
- Virginia Carmelo (Tongva)
- Šišóka Dúta (Dakota, University of Minnesota)
- Wesley Y. Leonard (Miami, University of California, Riverside)
- C̣aƞte Máza (Dakota, University of Minnesota)
- Christina Otero (Pueblo of sandia)
This interactive event brings together Indigenous language keepers, teachers, and activists for a panel discussion about ongoing community language reclamation projects. We will discuss the various approaches taken by participants and their communities, the challenges they have encountered, and their plans for the future. Throughout, we consider the idea of “linguistic work” – what do language teachers, learners, and activists do? – and to decenter the idea of “fluency” as a necessary part of language work. We will also consider the possibilities and limitations of partnerships with universities and other institutions with an eye towards developing more resources at the UCLA American Indian Studies Center to support community language work both in Southern California and beyond.