Home Events 4th Annual Nahuatl Conference at UCLA

4th Annual Nahuatl Conference at UCLA

Friday, June 4, 2021
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Presentations will be in Nahuatl, Spanish, and English or a combination of the 3 languages.

Register via HERE

This free webinar features new research and teaching on Mesoamerica by 3 native-speakers of the Nahuatl language, 3 advanced students at UCLA, 4 scholars from Mexico and Los Angeles, and 3 high school teachers from the LA Unified School District. Nahuatl is the language spoken by the Mexica or Aztecs, and it is still spoken today by about a million people in Mexico.

Cost: Free & Open to the Public

View Flyer in Spanish

View Program: Part 1 and Part 2


09:00 AM – Opening Remarks
Kevin Terraciano, Director, Latin American Institute,
Dept. of History, UCLA

9:15 AM – 10:45 PM – Tlatehtemoliztli tlen Tlamachtianih

Eduardo de la Cruz, IDIEZ
University of Warsaw
Perspectivas y reflexiones de jóvenes nahuas ante la conquista de México.

Sabina de la Cruz, IDIEZ
Xihuipahtli tlen naman:
Plantas medicinales hoy en dia.

Abelardo de la Cruz, IDIEZ
 State University of New York, Albany
La historia de Chicomexochitl y Tenantzitzimitl de Jésús Bautista:
Elementos paralelos a los cuentos populares europeos.

Moderator: Gaspar Rivera-Salgado, UCLA Labor Center

11:00 AM – 12:45 PM – Textos Indígenas del México Colonial

Federico Navarrete, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Title: TBD

Rebecca Dufendach, Getty Research Institute
Alteraciones materiales del libro 12 del Códice Florentino.

León García Garagarza, Getty Research Institute
Trialogue at the Crossroads:
Translating the Spanish Text of the Florentine Codex into English.

Kevin Terraciano, UCLA
Algunas convenciones pictográficas basadas en las lenguas indígenas en el Códice Sierra.

Moderator: Jimena Rodríguez, Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese, UCLA

1:00 PM – 2:30 PM – Graduate Student Research

Juan Pablo Morales Garza, History, UCLA
México y sus alrededores:
los pueblos nahuas del Valle de México en el siglo XIX.

Beatríz Cruz López, History, UCLA
Disputas por tributarios y tributos del Valle de Oaxaca en el siglo XVI:
los casos de Tlacolula, Teitipac y Huitzo.

Anthony Meyer, Art History, UCLA
“Where They Bud, Where They Blossom”:
Life and Learning at the Calmecac of Tenochtitlan.

Moderator: Fernando Pérez-Montesinos, Dept. of History, UCLA

2:45 PM – 4:00 PM – Teaching the Conquest of Mexico in LAUSD High School Classrooms

Maria-Georgina Salazar
Alexander Hamilton High School

Reyna Kauil
Alliance Marc and Eva Stern Math and Science School

Melina Melgoza
Roybal Learning Center

Moderator: Veronica Zavala Jacobo
LAI Public Engagement & Educational Outreach Coordinator, UCLA

4:00 PM – Closing Remarks

Sponsor(s): Latin American Institute, UCLA International Institute, Department of History, Stanford Latin American Center; University of Utah Latin American Center; UCLA American Indian Studies Center; IDIEZ; UCLA Center for Mexican Studies; UCLA Department of Spanish & Portuguese; Consulado General de México en Los Ángeles: Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores


Jun 04 2021


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Zoom (Online Event)


UCLA Latin American Institute

Other Organizers

American Indian Studies Center