Permissions & Review Copies

For permission to reprint any section of a book or journal, or to request a review copy, contact:

Main Contact: Scott Skelton, Senior Editor
Inquiries: (310) 825-7315

When requesting permission to reprint, please include the name of the proposed publisher, the print run, and the estimated retail cost of the publication. INSTRUCTORS: When requesting permission to post online, please include the name of the website and/or the name of the university where you teach, the name of the class, the number of students who will access that website, and whether the site if password-protected and limited to authorized users only.  AUTHORS: When requesting permission to post online, please let us know you are the author as well as the name of the website(s).

If AICRJ has accepted your article for publication, and you do not own the rights to the images you wish to include, please obtain permission immediately and use this form.