Media Contact List

The following Faculty members are available for contact by the media.

Name and Expertise Preferred Contact
Professor Stephen Aron
North American Indian history, Museum issues Email:
Professor Jessica Cattelino
Tribal gaming (especially Florida Seminole or national), Florida Seminoles Email:; Office phone OK: 310-825-4400
Professor Carole Goldberg
Federal Indian Law, Tribal Courts and Law, Tribal Gaming, Indian Child Welfare, and Criminal Justice in Indian Country Email:
Professor Paul Kroskrity
American Indian Languages, Endangered American Indian Languages, Language Revitalization Efforts by Native Communities, American Indian Studies as a essential to a College Education Email:
Professor Angela Riley
Tribal Courts, Indigenous Cultural Property, Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights Under International Law, Indian Sacred Sites Email:
Professor David Delgado Shorter
Natives in Hollywood Films, Shamanism and New Age Issues, Myths, Rituals, Symbols Email: